Ubuntu is a word that originated around the mid – 19th century in which means ‘Humanity’. It was used by the Zulu community in South Africa.
Here are three unique definition of Ubuntu:
Over the years, Ubuntu has grown to become a Value system that represents the roots of Humanity and our being as persons with distinct personalities in one spirit… the spirit of Ubuntu.
- I am what I am because of who we all are
- A Person’s a Person through other Persons
- Ubuntu encompasses the word ‘We’ so much that the ‘M’ in the word ‘Me’ gradually turns itself up to become ‘W’ in ‘We’ in oneness without pulling down the uniqueness in oneself… in ‘Me’
‘’If one word can mean so much, extracting one selfless meaning from it wouldn’t be too much’’
TEAMWORK: One Selfless Meaning from ‘Ubuntu’
If the combined action of a group is to achieve a common goal, why not work together?
Teamwork is one of the English words that speaks out for itself, explains clearly its meaning without a prior look at the dictionary.
Working as a team is an Art that can be achieved where there is a common ground of understanding. The diverse skills of teams, colleagues are needed for reaching success and enabling growth in every aspect of the business.
What is Teamwork?
Teamwork is when a group of people work cohesively towards a common goal, creating a positive, tranquil working atmosphere where employees support their individual differences, values and combine their individual strengths to enhance team performance and productivity.
‘’Where there is no mutual understanding among personnel in a workplace nothing tangible can be achieved collectively”
Why Teamwork Matters
- A teamwork environment fosters an atmosphere that promotes friendship, understanding, knowledge sharing.
- Teamwork allows for efficient use of time, thereby driving productivity as a team.
- Working as a team with a common goal in mind promotes oneness among employees and creates a platform where their contribution is evident without creating conflict.
- Working as a team builds trust and gives room for feedback from employees.
- Employees can disagree constructively without conflict.
Sunhive Ltd takes teamwork to heart as it is one of our core values. We have a wonderful team that delivers quality in every project/task.
‘’Ubuntu drives the Spirit of Teamwork’’
Written By Dakrah